I’ve been in retail design industry since 2016, fell in love in it until the pandemic happened. When the travel shut down, the businesses equally collapsed. Here are some of the most memorable work I’ve done while working for Wood Studio, Precise, and Circle Square.

Gabrielle Chanel Product Launch at Changi

Travel retail shop-in-shop tool kit

courtesy of couple.com.sg | 3D presentation for website gmytonic.com.sg

courtesy of Circle Square / Johnson&Johnson. 3D presentation of pop-up booth toolkit

Sentosa FUN exhibition design proposal

The Olfactory room, part of Gabrielle Chanel Product Launch

courtesy of Circle Square. Rare & Exception Whisky Diageo Wallbay 3D presentation

3D concept of the Miliken Exhibition (2013)

courtesy of Circle Square / Johnson&Johnson. 3D presentation of moile pop-up booth toolkit